What’s HMRC reporting?

HMRC reporting is a UK requirement for online marketplaces like Vinted. It means some sellers have to submit a short, pre-filled form.

In general, selling personal items on Vinted is not taxed.

Even though your Vinted sales are generally not taxed, you still have to submit the HMRC reporting form if you meet the requirements.

Who does it apply to?

Everyone who makes at least 30 sales or earns over €2,000 (~£1,700) on Vinted in a calendar year. Meeting these requirements doesn’t mean you have to pay taxes on your Vinted sales.

How it works

What do you have to do?
If you meet the requirements, we’ll ask you to add one detail to a pre-filled form.
When do you have to submit the form by?
It’s due before the end of the year.
What happens after you submit the form?
We send the information to the authorities the next year. 
You get a copy too, and all your data is encrypted and secure.

How is your data kept safe?

It’s stored securely and protected with AES-256 encryption, meeting the highest industry security standard.

Does HMRC reporting apply to you?