Enjoy peace of mind
Buy and sell second-hand designer pieces with even more confidence. You can trust you’re getting the valuable item you paid for.
Start shoppingOur Item Verification service lets you have selected second-hand designer pieces checked for authenticity by our team of experts. They’ll personally verify your item to make sure you’re spending your money on the real thing.
Vinted’s trained team at the verification hub have successfully verified millions of items. Together, they bring over 5 decades of professional experience checking thousands of designer brands. So, they know exactly what details to look for when they’re evaluating your item.
Buy and sell second-hand designer pieces with even more confidence. You can trust you’re getting the valuable item you paid for.
Start shoppingItem Verification is completely optional for buyers and free for sellers. We’ve kept the fee budget-friendly, so you can save your money for new pieces.
See what’s includedDozens of designer brands are currently eligible to be verified by our experts, with more being added.
Check what’s eligibleA diamond badge appears automatically on listings that are eligible for verification. Simply purchase Item Verification for your order during checkout.
The seller sends the item to our verification hub. The Item Verification fee covers the item check and shipping to the hub.
Our professional team take a little time to inspect your item for authenticity. If it fails verification, you’ll get a full refund.
You'll only receive items that pass our check. You can raise an issue if you need to. The seller is paid after the transaction is completed.
Thanks to this service, we are sure to buy an original item and not a counterfeit. The price remains reasonable and the service is very fast!
When I bought a Prada bag with authenticity verification, I was relaxed because I knew that, in case the bag hadn't been authentic, I would have been 'protected' by this service. Luckily, it's authentic. I was really happy.
I get the benefit that I can keep my money safe until the item passes the verification check.
I don't have to worry about buying a fake item. And I can be completely sure that everything will be taken care of, including shipping the item to me.
I bought a bag through the system and it was automatically sent to the verification location before it was delivered to me. I received a tracking number so I could see where the bag was at any time.
Our Item Verification service takes the hassle out of buying and selling valuable pieces, so you can enjoy extra security at an affordable price. You can relax, knowing our qualified team will handle your item with the care it deserves. To start, browse for great-value designer finds.